EMP Sister Profiles

“Sisters, we are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how we need each other. 
Those of us who are old need you who are young, and hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old...We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other. These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance. We need to renew our faith every day. We need to lock arms and help build the kingdom so that it will roll forth and fill the whole earth.
- Sister Majorie Pay Hinckley

Eight Mile Plains Blog Sister Profiles

Sister Vivian Villalobos

EMP Conference Profiles:

Jan Gray
Stake Relief Society President
Eight Mile Plains Ward 

1. Five girls!!!!! And nearly 13 grandchildren
2. Did gymnastics and ballet
3. Trained as a nurse
4. Like designing and making things. Have own business in U.S
designing and manufacturing baby products
5. Husband who I have followed all over the world for his study and job.

Eula Arthur
1st. Counsellor, Stake Relief Society Presidency
Waterford Ward

1. 4 children - 1 on a mission, 1 returned from a mission, 1 going on a mission, and 1 lonely little girl
2. Married in N.Z temple to Parahi Arthur
3. Love, love, love reading
4. Favourite food is pork bones and puha (watercress)
5. Always wanted to be a writer of children's books

Nadene Alfred
2nd. Counsellor, Stake Relief Society presidency
Kuraby Ward

1. 5 children, 5 grandchildren
2. Love piano (have been playing the organ at church since 12 years of age).  Also love reading and playing Mario Kart with grandsons
3. Great, Great, Great...uncle is Ben Hall, the Australian Bushranger.
4. Enjoy shopping at Bunnings and plant nurseries
5. If I could turn back time I'd study to be a midwife.....and not eat so many Carbs!

Donna Riches
Stake Relief Society Secretary
Kuraby Ward

1.  Happily married
2. Work full-time as a Guidance Officer for Education Queensland and was previously a teacher
3. Enjoy yoga and walking
4. Love good food, cooking and going to restaurants
5. People would describe me as organised. 

(Donna was head of the committee for Registration and Welcome Packs at Women's Conference, and has created an Artwork.)

Helen Leneham
Rochedale Ward

1. I was born a ‘country girl’ and lived in the country until I was sixteen. I loved horse riding and could ride a horse from the time I was very young. I saw the ravages of drought and its effects on people living in the country. As is the case in the country I learned the blessing of hard work from an early age and learned to do a lot of manual labour. I saw the benefits of always having a garden and fruit trees. A lot of my childhood experiences have been reinforced by the church’s teachings of self-reliance.
2. I have been blessed with a good memory and can recall some events from a very tender age. Writing my remembrance has always been one of interests. I have been lucky enough to have been able to teach myself (with a little patience from some of my children) to use a computer to some degree and that has been very beneficial in my hobby.
3. I have worked at three particular jobs in my life – firstly as a telephonist at a telephone exchange in Kingaroy, secondly as a nurse in Brisbane and Townsville and thirdly as a teacher aide in Brisbane.
4. I have been blessed with strength and I have always enjoyed physical labour. One of my loves is being able to use an axe. I enjoy doing all kinds of minor construction from making guinea pig pens to erecting fences. I am a bit sad that a lot of that is getting beyond me now.
5. Most of my life’s desires have been fulfilled in my role as a wife along with being mother to our biological, adopted and fostered children. I have also found untold joy in rearing our five special needs boys. In regard to our boys I will paraphrase someone else’s comments. ‘It is not my duty to see that my boys get to the Celestial Kingdom because they are assured of that, but it is my role is to see that they enjoy the journey’.

(Sister Leneham has written a wonderfully interesting article for the 'Live' page on the Blog.)

Sarah Hunt Mahler
Springwood Ward

1. I'm currently undertaking study at Griffith University toward becoming a psychologist.
2. I love rummaging through flea markets, junk shops, op shops, yard sales, curbside collection piles, etc, for the little gems that catch my eye amid the stuff.
3. At age 16, I started learning judo. After a few months I decided it wasn't for me, but just before quitting, came second in my weight division in a competition, losing to a brown belt boy who'd been doing it for five years.
4. Spurred on by my complete obsession with horses since I'd got one at age 12, I secured my first paying job at Brisbane Saddlery at age 13, after pestering the manager multiple times over a period of months as to whether he had any odd jobs I could do for him. My persistence paid off and I worked there for three years. Just prior to my move to Tasmania at age 16, my boss told me to talk to the ladies at a store there he had opened many years earlier to see if they needed some help. I worked at Launceston Saddlery for two years.
5. In my 20s I was big into the maintaining a vintage lifestyle of the 1950s, wearing clothing from the late 40s through early 60s, driving "Harry" an old 1962 EK Holden wagon, decorating my home only in old original stuff, into swing dancing, etc. I still love it, so if anyone has any dresses/frocks in smaller sizes that they'd like to give away or sell, I'm definitely interested, so please let me know :)

(Sarah has written a great article called, 'How To Bloom Where You Are Planted', 
that you can access on the 'Live' and the 'Learn' Pages.)

Toni Paton
Loganholme Ward

1. My second name is Coral and I was named after the battle of the Coral Sea (WWII). I love anything to do with the sea: Swimming, walking along the sand, whales and dolphins, collecting shells.
2. I have six children and, as of February 10th, 17 grandchildren.
3. I have 3 brothers and 6 sisters, and I am the eldest girl.
4. I love singing and music of all kinds. I love karaoke.
5. I make baby quilts for my grandchildren and close family friends.

(Toni has written some wonderful articles on the Conference theme that you can find on the four Pages: Live, Laugh, Love and Learn.  You can also see her artwork on the Artwork Page.)  

Gretta Holzworth
Eight Mile Plains Ward

1. I was born through pioneer ancestors in the Church.
2. I have been surrounded by wonderful friends and leaders all my life.
3. I love Australia, Brisbane, my home and garden.
4. I still enjoy new recipes, family dinners, preparing deserts, loads of good conversation.
5. I always love Sundays.

(Sister Holzworth has written some articles that you will love, on the 'LIVE' and 'LEARN' pages)

Michelle De Francia
Eight Mile Plains Ward
  1. One of my favourite callings probably the hardest too, because it took the most time was being Primary President in Bendigo Ward, my children came to our activities, and I worked with great women, who one in particular is still one of my best friends, today.
  2. My daughter Brittany Davison has this same assignment for our conference today. I love all of my 5 daughters. I would love to be in the temple like Pres. Smibert with my family, my daughters, and my sisters, and my Mum and Dad.
  3. I love Advanced Ballroom Dancing, I competed in Championships and won trophies and I danced in our Ward Cultural Night with one of the BYU dance team members.
  4. When I was 18, I worked for my Father in his sawmill business, he taught me to how to operate a bob cat, which I used to fill our customers trailers with, a large forklift, which I loaded the logs with onto a large trolley, called a canadian, a D4 Caterpillar which I just drove around our property, he also taught me how to pull a truck completely loaded with logs with his 1 tonne Toyota out of the mud, and how to use many other tools and equipment.
  5. My husband Orlando is a Filipino, I've enjoyed going horse riding in the Philippine Mountains with him. My Mum and I went to Thailand in the September school holidays last year we rode on an Elephant together, I love my family.
(Michelle has created a lovely artwork, filled with photos of her family.)

Erin Smith
Springwood Ward

1. I love to create: sewing or craft. I get a huge sense of satisfaction from completing a project.
2. I love being mum to my baby girl and wife to my best friend.
3. I want to study so many different things I can't decide where to start (I'm also incredibly indecisive).
4. I love to bake! Desserts are in my DNA, unfortunately my younger brothers took all of the lightning fast metabolism genes!
5. I'm a worrier and most social situations scare me to bits.

(Erin is creating an Artwork for the Women's Conference)

Amanda Hadley
Kuraby Ward
1. I am studying a Diploma of Tourism.
2. Learning to surf is on my bucket list.
3. I have been to China.
4. I love learning about history and other cultures.
5. I have 18 nieces and nephews aged from 23-2.

(Mandy has written a beautiful article, 'Living After the Manner of Happiness', on the 'LIVE' page.)

Memory Ah Sam
Waterford Ward

1. I am a Chocoholic...love love anything chocolatey!
2. Married my High School Sweetheart of 21 years
3. Convert to the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
4. I am a Lady of Leisure raising our 10 Children..yes 10!!..and done & dusted in this department!
5. Would love to learn Sign Language

(Memory's Artwork poster can be seen on the 'Artwork' page)

Cynthia Pitman
Springwood Ward

  1. Mother of three energetic kiddies. 
  2. Married almost 10 years. 
  3. Loves days out with the family, going for walks and playing at the park. 
  4. Loves yoga and swimming. 
  5. Enjoys relaxing and reading a great uplifting book.
(Cynthia decorated one of the lunch-time theme tables: 'LIVE' at our Women's Conference.)

Bronwyn Booth
Rochedale Ward
  1. 2nd daughter of Janet and Geoff Dean 
  2. married to Michael Booth 
  3. mother of 3 beautiful daughters and 5 wonderful sons 
  4. am self employed 
  5. am passionate about sewing
(Bronwyn decorated one of the lunch-time theme tables: 'LEARN' at our Women's Conference.)

Nerisa Skelton

  1. I was born in samoa
  2. I've got six children two boys and four girls
  3. I've been married for thirty five years
  4. I love my family with all my heart
  5. We've been sealed in the temple for time and all eternity in 1987
(Nerisa has created a lunchtime table themed on 'LOVE' for Women's Conference.)

Amy Villalobos
Loganholme Ward

  1. I am the only member in my family 
  2. I have been baptized for 11 yrs 
  3. I have 2 beautiful children and wonderful husband 
  4. I love to party plan   (and she is wonderfully talented at doing it! - editor's note :)
  5. I love to keep a record of our family for ourselves and future generations 
(Amy has helped with the Theme Stations, and has decorated the 'LOVE theme station and written articles for the Blog.)

Tamara Hann
Ward - Eight Mile Plains

1. I love mangoes and summer.
2. I grew up in Adelaide.
3. I speak French, with smatterings of German and Tahitian.
4. My favourite books include The Chronicles of Narnia (especially The Horse and His Boy), by C. S. Lewis, The Road Less Travelled, by M. Scott Peck, and Pride and Prejudice. (That's just the beginning of the list).
5. My favourite calling...a toss-up between serving as a counsellor/adviser in the Young Women program, and being a full-time missionary.

(Tamara has contributed a beautiful Artwork poster, and has written two articles)

Karen Smibert

Rochedale Ward
  1. I am the wife of a loving husband and the mother of four energetic boys. 
  2. I love the gospel and I love to learn new skills and information. 
  3. When I have spare time I love to play the piano, read, and go hiking. 
  4. I get a lot of joy out of serving others and being useful. 
  5. I love my life and wouldn't want to change a bit of it.
(Karen created the 'LEARN' theme station for Conference, and has written articles for the Blog.)

Melissa Lawton
Eight Mile Plains Ward

1. I'm from Perth WA
2. My heritage is Irish and Egyptian as well as Australian
3. I'm a personal trainer
4. I'm the oldest of 5 children
5. I love to read, watch MKR, Bones, Revenge and Law & Order

(Melissa beautifully decorated a lunch-time table in the theme of 'LOVE')

Awhina Medland
Waterford Ward

1. I can be outspoken with no filter from mind to mouth ! haha I call it being passionate others may beg to differ? haha
2. My husband and son are my two favourite males in my life they keep me sane and grounded.
3.I'm a lover of a good bargain , I like to rummage second-hand shops , the tip shops and farmers markets.
4. I like to search for wonder and beauty I usually find this in my dealings with people , My family, in a good book , an interesting documentary , at the museum and as always a good place to eat!
5. I am GRATEFUL and at a happy place in my life, mindful always of the inspiration and guidance that got me to this place.

(Awhina has been working with Karen on the 'Learn' Theme Station for Women's Conference)

Ursula James
Springwood Ward

  1. Ursula is a proud mother of 2 beautiful teenage boys... And loving Wife of Aaron James
  2. She loves ALL things crafty... She is a Stampin' UP demonstrator and holds weekly paper craft classes in her home studio and volunteers once a week at Kingstone East Neighbourhood Group... She is a florist, a Sewer, Costume Jewellery maker… And uses all these skills to be a wedding planner…. 
  3. She enjoys Photoshop and has taught herself to restore heritage photos, Graphic art, and Digital Scrapbooking... She loves teaching and sharing her talents and skills... 
  4. She has been a member of several community and professional choirs and has even traveled overseas to perform... 
  5. She loves to have a good time and is ALWAYS recognised by her infectious laugh..
(Ursula beautifully covered and decorated the notice boards for the Conference.)

Lisa Evans
Springwood Ward

1. I love spicy food.
2. I served as a missionary in Thailand.
3. I am a full time mother with three adorable children.
4. I love the mountains, beach and other beautiful places.
5. Cheesecake is my favourite dessert. :)

(Lisa has been working very hard behind the scenes as part of the Decorating committee.)

Kathy Hanara
Rochedale Ward
  1. I love photography 
  2. I love scrapbooking 
  3. And digital art 
  4. I love family history 
  5. I love my seven grandkids
(Kathy has been working very hard behind the scenes with the Decorating committee.)

Margaret Curtis
Springwood Ward
  1. I love to sing (I used to sing for an opera company).
  2. I love to create - eg. sewing, home-made items for the home.
  3. I am very involved with my family (children and grand-children).
  4. Like to watch ballet.
  5. Love to travel and have visited some interesting countries.
(Margaret has created a wonderful artwork,which you can see on the Artwork Page.)

Elizabeth Dean
Eight Mile Plains Ward

1) Studying a Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning at UQ
2) I love travelling and have lived in 3 different countries
3) Art making is a passion I’ve put on the back burner
4) I hope to one day renovate a house as a family project
5) Hats are one of my accessory obsessions

(Liz has created the 'LIVE' theme station at Women's Conference.)

Annette Comber
Loganholme Ward

1. I love variety in all things
2. Enjoy music (and play the flute )
3. Love my calling as Family History Consultant
4. Love all our family (7) and grandchildren (13)
5. Love Sewing – quilting

(Annette has created an Artwork for Women's Conference)

Sandra Mansell
Springwood Ward
  1. I teach the CTR 6&7 class in my ward. They're beautiful spirits who keep me on my toes. I have three daughters so it's somewhat of a novelty having boys in my care. 
  2. I love to read. I often spend all my 'luxuries' budget on my next book purchase. I bought a Kindle e-reader so that I could satisfy my need for a new book immediately. 
  3. I'm a computer nerd. I've lived with a computer of some sort in my house since I was 7 years old and before I had children I worked in IT support. 
  4. I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Business Administration through USQ via distance education. I've been studying since 2005 and am very close to graduation. It's been a hard slog but very rewarding. 
  5. I play the flute. Not as well as I used to, as I just don't seem to be able to make the time to practice like I once did, but I'm slowly getting there. My middle daughter has started learning violin at school this year so I have more of an incentive to practice.
 (Sandra is talented in many areas and has written an article on our Conference theme for the Blog.)

Lindi Orth
Kuraby Ward

  1. I enjoy reading books, especially old classics, Jane Eyre is my favourite.  I write poetry that will never leave the box I keep them in.
  2. My favourite calling is Relief Society teacher (my current calling).  I love the humility and wisdom of sisters. 
  3. I like to pretend I'm a food connoisseur and enjoy critiquing food.
  4. I have 6 children and a dog.  I love my children more than anything.  Hate the dog.
  5. I'm extremely introverted.  I pretend to be an extrovert.
(Lindi has created a beautiful artwork that you can see on the 'Artwork' Page of the Blog.)

Nerida Rothery Hann
Kuraby Ward
  1. My six children are spread around the world and I mess being involved in their everyday lives.  I value every chance I have with each child of mine and child of theirs.
  2. All of nature is a wonder.  I enjoy being in it and learning about it and caring about it, and learning about its Creator.
  3. I enjoy being with people - getting to know people and being valued and helpful.
  4. My favourite subjects to read and do include - nature, science, health and well-being, and relationships.
  5. I enjoy gardening, being away from cities, going to farmer's markets, good food and conversation.
(Nerida has created an art poster that you can see by going to the Artwork Page.)

Stefenie Magele
Rochedale Ward
  1. A mother of 4 - one princess and three stripling warriors.
  2. I love to sew and crochet.
  3. I lived in Samoa for 11 years.
  4. I was the first female project manager for the Church.
  5. I am a loved daughter of God!
(You can see Stefanie's beautiful art creation on the Blog's Artwork Page.)

Heather Whaikawa
Eight Mile Plains Ward
  1. Have 8 beautiful children, 6 in Australia and 2 in NZ
  2. Teacher
  3. Lived in NZ for 26 years, back in Australia for 3 years (after passing of Derek)
  4. Have 7 grandchildren
  5. Outgoing and Love people, sport, playing board games.
(Heather worked on Publicity and Promotions for Women's Conference.)

Jaci Smibert
Kuraby Ward

1. I love cooking and eating what I make!
2. I enjoy exercising, especially cycling and weights.
3. I enjoy learning about different foods and nutrition.
4. I love to read on the rare occasion when I get a few spare moments to myself.
5. My husband and kids make me laugh the most.

(Jaci created one of the Artworks and one of the lunch-time theme tables for Conference.)

Karen Smallwood 
Eight Mile Plains
  1. I love Trevor my husband of 37 years and our 4 children and of course their spouses! Adam and Danah, Andrew and Chelsea, Kristen and Greg and Karlee and Daniel.
  2. I love our 9 grandchildren: Jade 8, Mia 6, Dakota 4, Georgia 3, Ari 3, Madelyn 22months, Flynn 16 months, Kyan 8months and Cohen 6 months.(all just adorable!!)
  3. I love to garden, I have over 150 potted plants, not to mention the ones in the ground!!
  4. I love to travel, favorite destinations... Salt Lake City, New York, London, Austria and Canada.
  5. I love my job of 10 years(receptionist for a chiropractor)
(Karen created a lunch table with the theme, 'Live')

Desiree Arthur
Waterford Ward

1. My family consists of my parents, Parahi and Eula Arthur, two sisters (one is on a mission) Celestial and Kalani and my brother, Malachi.
2. I served a mission in Seoul and Seoul South, South Korea Missions from June 2012 - Dec 2013
3. I graduated from Brigham Young University in a Bachelor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
4. I like to stay home, chill and watch movies, but if an adventure presents itself, I'm up for it.
5. Goal in life...to continue to develop a relationship with my Heavenly Father, get married in the temple and have a family and then serve a senior couple mission :)

(Desiree created an Artwork of the theme for Conference, which you can see on the Artwork page.)

Alexandra Ware
Springwood Ward
  1. I am a twin. My twin sister and I are the youngest of 6 kids. 
  2. I served a mission in the Australia Melbourne East Mission from 2006-2008.
  3. My Bachelor's degree was in Health and Exercise Science. I then worked as an Exercise Physiologist for 2 years until I went on maternity leave. 
  4. I met my husband on new years day at a Brisbane YSA convention. We got married 9 mths later.
  5. We have been married for 3.5 years. We have a son, Samuel, who is 2.5 years old. 
(Alex was the head of the Food committee for Women's Conference.)

Kaiserina Iva
Loganholme Ward
1. I was born and raised in, and love being a member of the church.
2. I've been married since 2005 and have 6 kids.
3. I teach RS and I want to be the best teacher.
4. I love reading, watching movies and singing in a choir.
5. I play the piano.

(Kaiserina has created one of the beautiful 'Laugh' theme lunch-time tables for the sisters at Conference.)

Rebecca Kaloshin 
Springwood Ward
  1. I am happy to have my family.
  2. I am happy to continue travelling.
  3. Friends to be taking care and thoughtful, I will be happy.
  4. Foods and survive money will do great living.
  5. Love and hugs to show your knowledge is round to supportive.
(Rebecca has created a lovely Artwork poster, which you can see on the Artwork Page of the Blog.)

Katrina Zhong
Eight Mile Plains Ward
  1. I like painting and reading.
  2. My favourite calling is to serve as a full-time missionary in Perth and also ward missionary in EMP ward.
  3. My favourite books are the scriptures.
  4. My mother got baptised after I came back from a mission.
  5. So my goal in life is to help my other family members to also learn the gospel and receive the blessings from God.
(Katrina has painted a beautiful picture for the Conference theme.  You can see this on the Artwork Page of the Blog.)

Pepa Silsby
Springwood Ward
  1. I am married and have three children.
  2. I love living in Australia.
  3. I love to travel.
  4. I hate elevators (going in them)
  5. I love martial arts and the piano.
(Pepa created a beautiful poster for Conference, that you can see on the Artwork Page on the Blog.)

Jan Purdie
Eight Mile Plains Ward
  1. My favourite thing to do is to travel or go away, (anywhere), with my husband.
  2. For the past 12 years I've worked 3 or 4 days a week as a Pharmacy assistant.
  3. My favourite people are my family - 4 children and 3 grand-daughters.
  4. I relax by fiddling with flowers - also love decorating for Christmas.
  5. Don't have much time, but enjoy reading and going to movies - NOT science fiction though.
(Jan has made an Artwork Poster, and has created some of the beautiful flower arrangements for Women's Conference.)

Elise Parrish
Springwood Ward

1. I am the youngest of 6 children.
2. I am currently studying to be a Primary School teacher.
3. I enjoy being in the outdoors - camping, going to the beach, etc.
4. I love spending time with my family - my brother is my best friend
5. I lived in the Torres Strait for a year.

(Elisse has created an great Artwork that you can see if you go to the Artwork Page.)

Tiffany Ryland
Rochedale Ward
  1. I'm from Utah, 
  2. I've been living in Brisbane just over 4 years. 
  3. Married to Sam. 
  4. Mum to 3 boys: Jackson, Owen, Benjamin. 
  5. I enjoy reading, summer, and ice cream.

Abby Easthope
Springwood Ward
  1. I play the viola
  2. I want to have a big family
  3. I love playing netball
  4. I love just chilling out at home with my family
  5. I love decorating our house
(Abby has written articles on the 'Laugh' and 'Live' pages.)

Sandra Munro
Springwood Ward

  1. I love the gospel more than anything.  I know that God lives and loves us, and that we have a way back to His presence through the Atonement of Christ.  I know the Church is true.
  2. I really love to read, especially the classics and church doctrinal books, history, science, anything good.  I'd read all day if I could.  I love to learn.  
  3. I have a wonderfully patient husband and 7 children and 9 and two halves grandchildren who help to keep me real.  They are very kind to me - I'm very blessed.
  4. I used to love dancing and hiking.  I enjoy making patchwork quilts when I can.
  5. We are supposed to be building a house this year, as soon as I organise myself better :)
  6. My husband and I would love to travel more, if we can.  We look forward to serving a full-time mission for the Church one day.
(Sandra has been helping with some of the decorating and articles for the Blog.)

Rachel Garcia
Springwood Ward
  1. My morning scripture focus at the moment is the Old Testament- I want to really study it in depth this year.
  2. But I recently accepted the challenge to also read the Book of Mormon twice by the end of the year. 
  3. I have been wondering how to squeeze that into my day. 
  4. The radio in our car is busted, and I have been missing my ABC! But now I am just listening to the Book of Mormon as I drive (I do a lot of driving!), and I am really loving it. 
  5. So now I am getting double scripture time in my day, and I just love the flow of truth and the extra calmness that this brings.
(Rachel has written an article for the Blog)

Katesa Wesche 
Waterford Ward  

  1. Work mostly in family history work, Name Extraction for many years.  Humbled to know that God called me to different callings ward and stake wise for my own learning.
  2. Currently holding a teacher's calling in Relief Society which I love very much.
  3. I enjoy and love poems and writings and share that often with friends and family.  Hope to publish a collection of these poems for my children.
  4. Read a variety of good books, in hard copies and even in kindle.  Now attempting to write a book about ancestors, based on true events.  I do love self help books eg Brian Tracy, Robert C Worstell, D Brande E. Nightingale, Health books like Drew Canole, Spiritual books like in the writings of the Prophets etc.  Love any good and uplifting music, ranging from the classics to country etc.
  5. My ancestors Karl Schwencke and Christian Friedrich Gottlieb Schwencke.
(Katesa has written a poem on the page, 'Live')

Vivian Villalobos
Loganholme Ward.
  1. I absolutely love flowers and making arrangements and getting creative with them.
  2. I have been married 35 years with my wonderful husband and been a member of the church for 27 years.
  3. I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren, one of my daughters is currently serving in the California Fresno mission.  I was born in Chile. 
  4. My favourite Hymn is 'O My Father'.
  5. I love to dance Rock n Roll.
(Vivian created some of the beautiful flower arrangements for Women's Conference.)

Carol Allen
Rochedale Ward 
  1. Joined the Church 34 years ago as a young adult. 
  2. I have 4 married children, 9 grandchildren. I love this role.
  3. Trained as a Fashion designer, Artist, Teacher Aide.
  4. Have travelled overseas a number of times; my favourite pass-time is visiting the major Art Galleries worldwide. 
  5. One day I wish to spend an extensive amount of time in Ireland.
(Carol has painted a beautiful Artwork.)

Tessa Iva
Waterford Ward

1. I love hearing stories about my ancestors it helps me feel connected to them
2. I am rediscovering the Book of Mormon all over again.
3. I enjoy baking
4. My favourite temple is the New Zealand Temple.
5. My husband and I are looking forward to serving a mission together.

(Tessa has created a lunch table with the theme of 'Live')

Kim Poulin
Eight Mile Plains

  1. I'm from Canada-- and then New Zealand and then Australia. I consider myself a Canoziwi. :-)
  2. Married mother of 4-- 3 boys and one girl. 
  3. I love to bake. 
  4. I worked as a respiratory therapist in Canada for ten years prior to my second child being born. 
  5. I was NEVER moving to Australia because of the bugs and spiders. Here I am loving Oz--still don't like the bugs and spiders.
(Kim has headed the committee on 'Laughter' for Conference.)

Rebecca Hardman
Eight Mile Plains Ward

  1. I love all kinds of people
  2. My favourite fruit is Mango
  3. I have 3 boys & 3 girls
  4. I don't know how people find time to manicure their lawns
  5. My husband & I kayaked around the Whitsundays 
(Rebecca decorated the Mothers' rooms for Conference.)

- Message to all Eight Mile Plains Sisters -

We'd love to have your profile on the site too.  Please email sandragmunro@hotmail.com with five things about you that will help the other sisters in the stake to get to know you a little.  We can copy a profile picture of you from your Fb page, or you can email one.

By Sandy Munro

1 comment:

  1. Love reading all the profiles and getting to know our sisters.
