Thursday, July 31, 2014

EMP Mormon Journal - Sister Kaiserina Iva

Last week my neighbor passed away. He ended his life. And although I didn't know him very well personally, his battle has affected me, personally.

Nice kid, he was. I remember him always cruising the block in his dark blue sports car. Always with company, always smiling. I didn't know he suffered from depression. I didn't know about the struggles he endured day to day. But I found I was asking myself - did I ‘have’ to know his personal issues in order to befriend him? To say hello? To offer a smile? Of course not.

Church leaders have always encouraged us to reach out across age and cultural lines to bless and serve others. I realise that it's not limited to the women I’m assigned to Visit-Teach each month. The Lord said in D&C 38:27 'I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.'

I realise, right at this moment, that I have not been at one with the people in my community. I have not fully understood what it means to be at one with God, because if I had, I would not have unintentionally created barriers with members of my community because they live differently – because they are not Latter-day Saints, or are inactive Latter-day Saints, or for whatever other reason. I've been focusing on our differences for too long rather than the things we have in common. I've forgotten that they too, are sons and daughters of God experiencing mortality. And I have a responsibility and duty to be one with God and invite them to be one with Christ.

My children are small. In November, we’ll have 6 under 8 yrs. But I think I've been using them as my excuse to be selfish. Just because I need to have my eye on them to watch them, doesn't mean I can’t offer my friendship – or a smile, or a hello, to the people on my street, the other parents at school or others in my extended community.


The love of our Savior extends beyond my home. It extends beyond the Relief Society room and my comfortable little pocket of Mormon friends. It encompasses the people I live alongside, down the street with, around the corner and in the next suburb. I thought I already knew that, but I guess I’m still learning.

My neighbour's mum wrote this on his Facebook page a few days after he passed away:

To my sweet beautiful son,

The day you blessed my life I knew you were an angel sent from above. You didn't need to show your wings to me, I just knew.

It was an honor and a privilege that you chose me to be your mother and your best friend.

You held me up through life and lead me through just by the love and happiness you gave me each and everyday.

You were a guiding light through my darkest days and you were my strength when I had no more left.

I understand it was time for you to show your wings and spread them wide once again and I know that each night and day those wings are strongly wrapped around me, and you will never let me fall.

I love you as much as all the sand and if my love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

Be at peace my beautiful angel xxx

The words of his mother touched me. And she could have easily been talking about the Saviour in her heartfelt tribute to her son.

In the case of our big brother who is Christ the Redeemer, his life was filled with daily selfless service to others. He strived for obedience and perfection, kept daily communication with Father in Heaven and acknowledged his divinity. He tells us how to pattern our lives in 3 Nephi 27:27 'What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.' He suffered and was crucified for the sins of the world and rose again on the third day, preparing the way for us to overcome spiritual and physical death. Only by His mercy and grace can anyone enter into the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. His love CAN save us. He is the Lord God Omnipotent and will be Lord of the Church, my street, community and world forever.

By Kaiserina Iva

Kaiserina was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia with her husband in 2005, one week after their marriage in the New Zealand temple. She was born in the Church, and is of Samoan and Chinese ancestry.  She speaks both Samoan and English.  Although Kaiserina misses her family in NZ, she enjoys the weather here. She enjoys being in the sun, swimming, reading and sewing.  Her current calling is to teach in Relief Society.  Past callings have included working in Primary, and playing the piano for various groups. Francis and Kaiserina are expecting their seventh child in November.  "I love being a mum.  I think it's very rewarding, and the kids are very kind. They want you to succeed, and they help you along the way." She says that the challenge from Church leaders to read the Book of Mormon twice this year "is doing wonders for me!"

(By S. Munro)


  1. Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring.
    - Amy Villalobos

  2. Loved this post! Thank you! Has left me a bit sniffly this morning.
    - Kim Gibb Poulin

  3. Thanks for sharing Kaiserina. Life presents us with opportunities to consider what is important and get us back to where we need to be. XOX
    - Janis Parrish

  4. You are so beautiful Rina. Thank you for your insight especially in light of the recent experience. xxx Annette Comber

  5. I can always count on learning something from you. Thanks for sharing rina.

  6. Kaiserina, it is lovely to get to know you through this post. Thanks for sharing your humble insights x
    - Donna Riches

  7. It's a pleasure Donna, thank you for taking the time to read it.
    - Kaiserina Iva

  8. I really enjoyed reading your entry sis Iva.
    - Snap-one Deesignz

  9. Heart felt and inspiring. Just Beautiful.
    - Tessa Wesche-Iva

  10. Thank you Kaiserina Iva, very beautiful and heartfelt. Depression is something that touches many lives and for some is debilitating.
    - Toni Coral Hayes Paton

  11. Just BEAUTIFUL..... So deep and insightful!! You are doing an amazing job raising your children.. what a wonderful example you are to others around you... Thank you for sharing.. So touching.. Moved me to tears.. and made me reflect on my own actions.. very thought provoking...As a sufferer of circumstantial depression I can relate to this young man.. as a mother I can relate,empathise and ake for his BEAUTIFUL mother.. as a member I know all the truths and doctrines and I hope and pray that I will always strive to live the way my Heavenly Father would want me to.. and reach out to all my brothers and sisters who cross my path.. I too was reminded yesterday at Church that the "one" is important... So much more important than money, accomplishments, position etc... We are here to help sustain and support others to return to the Lord.... May we all strive to do so.. xxxooo Thank You again for sharing this experience, life lesson and testimony!!! xxooo
