Thursday, July 24, 2014

EMP Mormon Journal - By Leonie Stewart

I received some personal revelation recently. I had been pondering why answers seemed
to come to me very slowly.  In fact I sometimes wondered, when I did finally feel some light
shining on a matter I had been concerned with, if I had imagined or conjured up the answer myself.
'Doubting Thomas' would sometimes appear, discounting and devaluing the answer I had received.

I had been feeling a need to improve the quality of my prayers, and to study in different ways, when I received a direct prompting.  I was in the temple at the time and I was walking up the hallway when it stopped me in my tracks.  It felt for a moment as if I was being spoken to quite clearly, but there wasn't anyone around.  I heard clearly in my head, 'Why do you not study more and pray longer. I am trying to reach you but you are blocking.  I have much to reveal to you.'  (To maintain their sanctity I have changed the words slightly.)

So I immediately put this to the test.  I was teaching a Relief Society class the following Sunday and had prayed, (more than usual), that I could receive some very direct inspiration.  I was very specific in these longer prayers and 'talked' to Heavenly Father in a more heart-felt way.  I received unmistakable guidance that I actually knew Heavenly Father was listening.  I still can't quite get my head around how He truly does hear everybody's prayers, but now I really KNOW he does.  Longer, more thoughtful prayers and greater diligence in studying the scriptures is opening my eyes and my understanding, and better preparing me to LISTEN to the answers. 

By Leonie Stewart

Leonie joined the Church when she was 15.  Her parents were supportive though not interested, but, although she didn't know it until later, her married sister Judy, and her husband Hank, were having the missionary discussions at the same time.  They were also baptised, and were a great support.  Leonie married Rick in the New Zealand temple, and they have 4 sons, and 8 grand-children.  Leonie has a degree in psychology and worked as a counselor.  Now widowed, she still works part-time, and also keeps busy as a temple worker on Wednesday mornings and second Saturdays, which she loves! Her interests include reading, movies, and dabbling in painting.  From EMP ward, Leonie is staying with family down the coast this year.

(By S. Munro)


  1. Thank you Leonie, this is just what I needed to read about. Now that you have shared this, I too feel like it is an answer to my prayers. Heavenly Father sure works his miracles in mysterious ways.

  2. That was a help to me Leonie, with gratitude, Carol Allen.

  3. I'm sure the Lord is always trying to reach me, but the airways are blocked by my constant, desperate, bleating. I need to 'be still and know that He is God'. Thanks for this reminder Leonie.

  4. BEAUTIFUL revelation!! Thank you for your testimony Leonie!! A timely reminder for me also... xxoo
